Iniciativa Educação signed a memorandum of understanding with the French National Education Scientific Council (CSEN) for the dissemination of articles and other scientific resources on the best educational practices.
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The latest data from PISA place Estonia among the best in the world and first in Europe when compared with the other education systems of the OECD. But what concrete measures have been taken to achieve this outcome? To learn more about the Estonian education system, the President of Iniciativa Educação talked with PISA's National Project Manager, Gunda Tire.
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The President of the Republic of Portugal awarded the Grand Cross of the Public Instruction Order to the President of Iniciativa Educação, Nuno Crato.
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COVID-19 worsens global learning crisis, risking $21 trillion in lifetime earnings
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From the 12th to the 17th of October, more than 26,000 people visited the Iniciativa Educação exhibition stand at the FIC.A - International Science Festival, in Oeiras (Lisbon). Students, teachers and families were able to learn more about our programs and participate in a series of activities and conferences on the most diverse topics of education.
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