Stanislas Dehaene, President of CSEN, with Nuno Crato at the signature ceremony

Stanislas Dehaene, President of CSEN, with Nuno Crato at the signature ceremony

Iniciativa Educação has signed a memorandum of understanding with the French National Scientific Council of Education (CSEN) for the dissemination of articles and other scientific resources on the best educational practices.

The CSEN is a public advisory body for national education policy created in 2018 by the French Ministry of Education. In addition to promoting the best educational practices, the CSEN's ultimate objective is to help contribute to the reduction of social inequalities.

The memorandum of understanding recognizes the shared values between both institutions, as well as their mission alignment. Specifically, the agreement provides for the translation and dissemination of content produced by CSEN in Portugal. The first of these contents has already been published and can be accessed on the website of Iniciativa Educação.

«Mobilization around education, with the aim of improving it, is an urgent need. The challenges facing schools and teachers in the current context require the sharing of credible scientific information, which is fundamental to guide decision-making – which is why we are very proud to be associated with one of the most prestigious European organizations in this field, thus contributing to a better Education in Portugal», said Nuno Crato, president of Iniciativa Educação

The signing of the document took place at the Collège de France, in Paris, by occasion of the opening ceremony of the «Acting for Education» initiative, which had Nuno Crato as its keynote speaker. At the invitation of CSEN, and in the presence of the French Minister of Education, Nuno Crato gave a lecture on “How to improve a country's education? An international perspective”.

January 18th, 2023 Iniciativa Educação Author: Iniciativa Educação