"What actually matters is the transfer of truth and knowledge. The more our society is aware of its problems, the better off our country will be."

Alexandre Soares dos Santos, February 2019

About us

Arica Foundation

The purpose of the Arica Foundation shall be to fund, support and promote educational programs and educational institutions in Portugal and to financially support students in Portugal including but not limited to granting scholarships and establishing and maintaining chairs at private and public universities in Portugal as well as to do all such things as are incidental or may be conducive to the above, all in the broadest sense.

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what we do

AaZ - Ler Melhor, Saber Mais

Reading is an essential skill in modern societies. Nonetheless, some children experience difficulties in learning to read from a very early age. One of the main goals of the AaZ - Ler Melhor, Saber Mais programme is to overcome such difficulties at a time (during the early years of schooling) when the intervention is likely to succeed.

what we do

Ser Pro

The Ser Pro project was designed to help improve the quality of young people's education and training. It is aimed at students who wish to pursue vocational upper secondary programmes and gain a professional qualification by the end of their courses.

what we do


Information about education provided online, with recent results of scientific research and useful information for teachers, parents, students and the general public. Contributing to an informed debate.


To think outside the box, you need a box
October 1th, 2024 ED_ON Author: Iniciativa Educação

To think outside the box, you need a box

PISA 2022 still had a few surprises in the box... One of them has recently been featured in Volume III of the Technical Report and shows that there is no opposition between knowledge and creativity. Sounds trivial? It's more surprising than it sounds.

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Want to reduce test anxiety? Just take them!
September 20th, 2024 ED_ON Author: Iniciativa Educação

Want to reduce test anxiety? Just take them!

Students and teachers tend to view practice tests (quizzes) with concern, fearing the negative effects they can have on students' anxiety. Recent research has shown solid statistical data indicating the opposite effect. In the medium term, taking these tests can actually increase motivation and improve students' preparation, by improving learning and reducing uncertainty about assessments.

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There’s no need for talent in learning
July 31th, 2024 ED_ON Author: Iniciativa Educação

There’s no need for talent in learning

Some students learn better and faster simply because they have a “flair” for certain subjects. Is that really the case? A group of American researchers challenged this idea and came up with some surprising results.

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Education initiative brings 100 vocational training students together to discuss the future of technology
May 10th, 2024 Ser Pro Author: Iniciativa Educação

Education initiative brings 100 vocational training students together to discuss the future of technology

The Ser Pro project held its first national conference last April 19, in Vila Nova de Gaia. The event brought together around 100 vocational training students from Maia, Porto and Lisbon, who are part of the Ser Pro network.

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«I’d like to open my own company», says vocational training student from Ser Pro
May 10th, 2024 Ser Pro Author: Iniciativa Educação

«I’d like to open my own company», says vocational training student from Ser Pro

Learn more about the Ser Pro project, in this short video that collects brief testimonies from students, schools and partners that participate in the Ser Pro project.

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When language prevents kids from succeeding at math
February 7th, 2024 ED_ON Author: Natalie Wexler

When language prevents kids from succeeding at math

Students who don’t read well or lack crucial vocabulary often face unnecessary obstacles—not just in reading but also in math. Why is that?

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How to learn better all the topics at any age?
January 15th, 2024 ED_ON Author: Ludmila Nunes

How to learn better all the topics at any age?

Retrieval practice and study spacing are two very effective learning strategies. A review of several scientific articles indicates that the benefits of these methods do not depend on the level of education or discipline. Combining these two practices might event create a super strategy with guaranteed results.

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What if the anxiety felt during an exam did not determine a bad result?
October 27th, 2023 ED_ON Author: Iniciativa Educação

What if the anxiety felt during an exam did not determine a bad result?

Did you know that one in three students suffers from test anxiety, also known as school performance anxiety? A recently published study explores the relationship between the anxiety felt in exams and during the preparation phase, and students' results.

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World Bank invites Iniciativa Educação to international forum in Argentina
October 27th, 2023 AaZ Author: Iniciativa Educação

World Bank invites Iniciativa Educação to international forum in Argentina

Nuno Crato, was a keynote speaker at the Congreso Internacional de Alfabetización, Lectura y Escrito, promoted by the World Bank and co-organized by the Government of Mendoza.

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«Today, I am the teller of my own story», says former AaZ student
October 27th, 2023 AaZ Author: Iniciativa Educação

«Today, I am the teller of my own story», says former AaZ student

Listen to the story of Sofia, a former student of the AaZ - Ler Melhor, Saber Mais program.

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Academic success is also the result of a good night's sleep
May 16th, 2023 ED_ON Author: Joana Rato

Academic success is also the result of a good night's sleep

The quality of sleep remains generally underestimated, particularly with regard to academic performance. Two recently published studies have proven that good-quality sleep can contribute to academic success.

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Educational videos: do they work?
May 16th, 2023 ED_ON Author: Ludmila Nunes

Educational videos: do they work?

Educational videos proliferate on the Internet, but they might not be good pedagogical tools. A very recent study indicates that, in mathematics, educational videos only provide superficial learning. However, combining videos with effective learning strategies, such as retrieval practice, might increase the instructional value of the videos.

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AaZ programme reports results in the Azores
March 16th, 2023 AaZ Author: Iniciativa Educação

AaZ programme reports results in the Azores

The Coordinating Council for the Education System of the Azores welcomed Iniciativa Educação to discuss the evolution of the AaZ programme, implemented in the nine islands of the archipelago.

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Five ways our intuition can mislead us about learning
February 10th, 2023 ED_ON Author: Natalie Wexler

Five ways our intuition can mislead us about learning

Our perceptions about what's working in the learning process often conflict with scientific findings. That can make it harder for teachers and students to be successful.

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Deficit of youths' basic skills costs the world GDP $718 trillion
January 26th, 2023 ED_ON Author: Iniciativa Educação

Deficit of youths' basic skills costs the world GDP $718 trillion

A recent study has shown that high-quality and equitable education is the most critical factor for economic growth — especially in the long term.

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Iniciativa Educação signs memorandum of understanding with CSEN
January 18th, 2023 Iniciativa Educação Author: Iniciativa Educação

Iniciativa Educação signs memorandum of understanding with CSEN

Iniciativa Educação signed a memorandum of understanding with the French National Education Scientific Council (CSEN) for the dissemination of articles and other scientific resources on the best educational practices.

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Estonia in the spotlight: a conversation with Gunda Tire
October 17th, 2022 Iniciativa Educação Author: Iniciativa Educação

Estonia in the spotlight: a conversation with Gunda Tire

The latest data from PISA place Estonia among the best in the world and first in Europe when compared with the other education systems of the OECD. But what concrete measures have been taken to achieve this outcome? To learn more about the Estonian education system, the President of Iniciativa Educação talked with PISA's National Project Manager, Gunda Tire.

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Nuno Crato distinguished with the Grand Cross of the Public Instruction Order
September 22th, 2022 Iniciativa Educação Author: Iniciativa Educação

Nuno Crato distinguished with the Grand Cross of the Public Instruction Order

The President of the Republic of Portugal awarded the Grand Cross of the Public Instruction Order to the President of Iniciativa Educação, Nuno Crato.

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70% of 10-Year-Olds Unable to Read and Understand a Simple Text
June 29th, 2022 Iniciativa Educação Author: Iniciativa Educação

70% of 10-Year-Olds Unable to Read and Understand a Simple Text

COVID-19 worsens global learning crisis, risking $21 trillion in lifetime earnings

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Can an Online Reading Camp teach 5-year-old children to read?
April 6th, 2022 ED_ON Author: Joana Rato

Can an Online Reading Camp teach 5-year-old children to read?

Learning to read and write requires explicit instruction. However, what if teachers are only available remotely? A recent study returns an intuitive response that has hitherto been difficult to demonstrate: better remote education than nothing at all.

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The Hypercorrection Effect and the benefits of practice testing in learning
March 16th, 2022 ED_ON Author: Dylan Wiliam

The Hypercorrection Effect and the benefits of practice testing in learning

Recent research suggests that students benefit more from being corrected when they are confident they were right in the first place.

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In Education, those with prior knowledge often reap the benefits
February 21th, 2022 ED_ON Author: Megan Sumeracki and Ludmila Nunes

In Education, those with prior knowledge often reap the benefits

Answering questions and receiving feedback can help students learn, but are these tactics equally helpful for all students? Students with higher prior knowledge in a given field might benefit more from such approach than students with lower prior knowledge, according to a recent study.

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The COVID-19 slide in education: new data on learning loss
January 10th, 2022 ED_ON Author: Harry A. Patrinos

The COVID-19 slide in education: new data on learning loss

COVID-19 led to school closures throughout Europe. Early evidence is showing that the pandemic is resulting in learning losses. At its peak, the pandemic led countries in the region to close their schools. To reduce and reverse the long-term negative effects, countries need to implement learning recovery programs, protect educational budgets, and prepare for future shocks by building back better. However, we need to assess learning losses from more countries.

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Students discuss professional future with companies
November 26th, 2021 Ser Pro Author: Iniciativa Educação

Students discuss professional future with companies

What professional future do students of the Electronics, Automation and Computers Technician course have at their disposal? This was the big question put forward at the event «Ser Pro: Que Futuro?», which took place yesterday at Escola Secundária da Maia (Maia High School).

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26,000 visit Iniciativa Educação exhibition stand in Oeiras
October 20th, 2021 Iniciativa Educação Author: Iniciativa Educação

26,000 visit Iniciativa Educação exhibition stand in Oeiras

From the 12th to the 17th of October, more than 26,000 people visited the Iniciativa Educação exhibition stand at the FIC.A - International Science Festival, in Oeiras (Lisbon). Students, teachers and families were able to learn more about our programs and participate in a series of activities and conferences on the most diverse topics of education.

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Azores signs agreement to expand the AaZ Program to the entire archipelago
June 9th, 2021 AaZ Author: Iniciativa Educação

Azores signs agreement to expand the AaZ Program to the entire archipelago

The Government of the Autonomous Region of the Azores reinforced its commitment to teaching reading by signing a new protocol with Iniciativa Educação, which provides for the expansion of the AaZ - Ler Melhor, Saber Mais program to the 9 islands of the archipelago.

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